Recently many friends ask me what exactly I create for my clients through the unique financial planning process mentioned in the scope of service. Therefore I decided to write and publish some classic example of my own clients which I hope it helps to illustrate. Some key data and information are intentionally modified so that their identity and privacy are well protected. I would appreciate all of your feedbacks and comments, and welcome for discussion. Should you have any friends facing the similar situation, please feel free to share, or make a personal introduction.
Cheers Gifford Background Information. Age: 38 Occupation: Business owner Human needs: Growth, Significant Objective: Asset protection from future creditors. Real objective: Provide a stable financial certainty to family. Minimise potential liability in case of business downturn. Safeguard asset against creditors. Concerns: Liquidity. Business Downturn. Liability and personal guarantee. Risk: Business debt ($20,000,000) affects family life. No other financial investment or engagement except operating business. Resources: $8,000,000 equity value ($28,000,000 asset valuation). $1,000,000 family income each year. Real Resources: $105,000,000 Business turnover. Time. Married status. Strategies based on human needs:
Implementation of holistic planning:
Gain & Benefits after planning:
p.s. I am your plan B. You can always earn a lot if everything is well. The only question is, if something bad happens, who provides you the money? And thats what I stand for. #assetallocationplanning #businesscontinuity #universallifeinsurance #riskmanagement 你可能唔知道,在遺產策劃的角度看,只運用保險工具創造大筆現金遺產,還是未足夠保險。
舉例來說,如有一對夫婦不幸同時於意外中喪生,這對夫婦未成年的小孩雖然獲得保險公司上千萬元賠償,卻可能無法享受到應有的保障,因為小孩的法定監護人領走了保險賠償之後,可能將小孩丟給其他親人照顧,從此不聞不問、一走了之。 如果父母生前將其購買的保險加上信託的保障,若不幸身故,保險賠償將撥入信託戶口,由受託人統一管理。即使受益人還未成年,也能夠善用龐大的保險賠償,在他們成長的過程當中可以得到合適的資助,並可防止不肖親人不當挪用,保障未成年子女的利益,亦解決子女不當使用的問題,因為立託人可以訂立財富運用的條件,如進修創業可以提款,而不能購買名貴跑車等。 一直以來,信託被視作富人的專利,身家要有過億,這實際上是個假像。我遇過不少的信託基金,立託人的身家只有一千多萬。更重要的是,妥善運用保險並透過遺產信託的形式,一千萬的財富可以倍增至四千萬的資產之餘,信託於身故後即時生效,充份保障了家人的未來,更破除“富不過三代”的魔咒。 如何做到?容後詳談。 |